As the weather starts to change; as it gets darker earlier and leaves fall from the trees, we’re reminded that seasons and times change. We can’t control either; it is how we embrace the change. The saying, If a year was tucked inside a clock then autumn would be the magic hour, deems fit.
I remember setting up the Bara clinic in a small outpatient department with two patients pushing the boundaries till the clinic was massive, and arguing with the Head of Department about the need for specialist breast care. He did not listen. And now look, we have excellent specialist breast care in three JHB hospitals, with Bara being the golden oldie (that looks all healthy and botoxed).
Our Super Survivors are inspiring, dignified and feisty like the screen goddesses from a bygone era. And Beulah (my friend) reading and knowing your story and being privileged to work alongside you…to you the Oscar for a lifetime of dedication to the cause of inspiring those that have been touched by breast cancer.
The golden oldie I chose to write about is Alice in Wonderland. Watch the movie, reread the book and see the how our ‘Alices’, those just diagnosed, traverse their wonderlands.
Part of the being a golden oldie is managing menopause, using all the tips myself and eating correctly (this would be for me…the scrawny granny).
So, remember the old ones are still the best: old jeans; old boots; old friends; old tunes; old movies and old times.
Keep warmth in your heart and out!
Your Buddie for Life
Prof Carol-Ann Benn
Photos by Chantal Drummond Photography | [email protected] | www.chantaldphoto.co.za
Make-up by Nikki’s Beautique | [email protected] | www.nikkisbeautique.co.za

Word For Word Media, the publishers of Buddies For Life and Oncology Buddies, present THE BIG C SURVIVOR’S GUIDE.
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