Braver and better: what an amazing theme! On my wall in my office is the saying, “Let’s root for each other and watch each other grow.” I bought it in Durham; there is also a pink tulip, a yellow sunflower and a red flower in three test tubes. I looked at Why me? and actually, whatever seed you start as, it’s how you’re watered, the soil you live in and the sunshine that helps you grow. Thrilled that we’re reaching our continent with all the new technologies in treating cancer (read more).
In the words of Matshona Dhliwayo, “A flower blooming in the desert proves to the world that adversity, no matter how great, can be overcome.” We read amazing stories that span a diagnosis before a wedding to many years of tenacious living.
Wow, to our Pay It Forward photographer; Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s quote comes to mind, “Happiness radiates like the fragrance from a flower and draws all good things towards you.”
Hans Christian Andersen got it right when he said, “Just living is not enough… one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.” So, read about diet and lifestyle.
Never forget, along the journey, to stop and smell the flowers. A big thanks to my amazing garden-grown, sweet-smelling roses and now sweet peas brought every week by my patients.
Your Buddie For Life
Prof Carol-Ann Benn
We have an in-depth cervical cancer feature with survivor, Winnie Ndlovu, breaking the silence about the use of vaginal dilators during cervical cancer treatment in order to have a painless and healthy sexual life afterwards. Read her story in Making the most of life.
It’s with great pleasure that Word for Word Media present the The 2024 Big C Survivor’s Guide – Preparing for treatment. We decided to focus on this; as we are well aware of the anxiety and overwhelming emotions that come part and parcel with a cancer diagnosis and facing treatment.
Thank you to the great group of healthcare experts who have shared their knowledge from their respected medical fields and much gratitude to the advertisers who have come onboard to support our 2024 Big C Survivor’s Guide booklet.