July/Aug 2019 – Pet Detective

Welcome to the July/August 2019 edition of Buddies For Life. From pet detectives to the greatest detective of all time: Sherlock Holmes.

We have covered a spectrum of useful stories from how to diagnose breast cancers the medical way and how listening to our surrounds helps diagnose cancers too.

I love that healthy soups are included as soups really are the new juices for health.

Addressing challenges, from financial to access to medication, is critical; as well as understanding what bloods and tests are needed when undergoing treatment and survivorship.

The dog might be man’s best friend but Buddies is everyone’s best friend.

Enjoy, support, and send in your stories. We would love to hear from you.

Your Buddie for Life  

Prof Carol-Ann Benn

Photos by Bianca Wilde Photography  |  www.biancawilde.com

The new ‘PET’ scan: scenting

Gillian Bruce updates us on how researchers are using information from how dogs sniff cancer ...

The X-files – radiology

The radiology journey for a cancer patient could either be during screening for diagnostic purposes, ...

Grief, cancer and you

Palliative care social worker, Dr Nelia Drenth, gives profound insight on what grieving the loss of ...

My huskies rescued me – Charnell Ruth

Charnell Ruth tells us how looking after rescued Siberian Huskies and training for a dryland ...

Healthy soups

In summer months it’s easy to make your antioxidant quota for the day with fruit ...


The low-down on post-treatment blood tests

How many blood tests have you been sent for since your diagnosis? You most probably haven’t ...

Turmeric – the dangers with hormone-sensitive breast cancer

Did you know taking some supplements, such as turmeric, with your conventional oncology therapy could ...

Sherlock Holmes: diagnosing breast cancer like a master sleuth

Diagnosing a breast cancer is the first step before treating one. This sounds easy in ...

Unravelling the causes of cording

Cording, or axillary web syndrome (AWS), is a poorly understood condition. It’s often completely overlooked ...

Basic savings tips

Ronel Jooste says that it is possible to save money and still enjoy life. She shares basic ...

The importance of gap cover

Financial consultant, Janette Rooney, explains the importance of gap cover products and how they work. ...

The chemo sisters – Daniella Kilfoil and Loriana Kahts

We hear how Italian sisters, Daniella Kilfoil and Loriana Kahts, both in their thirties, were ...

Word For Word Media, the publishers of Buddies For Life and Oncology Buddies, present THE BIG C SURVIVOR’S GUIDE.

Your annual comprehensive directory of all the information that you, the patient and/or family, seek out. It is the first of its kind in South Africa.

Click on the cover to view the latest issue of Oncology Buddies and the 2019 edition of the Big C Survivor’s Guide.