Look Good Feel Better accessories

While undergoing cancer treatment you may look different, or you may feel that you look different due to changes in the way your body feels or performs. Some cancer patients struggle with these changes and the effects they have on self-esteem. Understand that many changes in your appearance are temporary and will go away after you complete treatment. Looking your best can help you feel more confident and in control.

There are various ways to enhance your appearance by applying makeup in such a way that problem areas are either camouflaged or distracted from. Furthermore, using the correct accessories you may feel and look great in an instant. LGFB host complimentary workshops to assist you in this regard.

During cancer treatment hair loss may be a concern and many women choose to wear a wig. If you plan to do this, order a wig now so that you can have it styled and the colour matched to your own hair. You might also cut your own hair in a short style to make the hair loss less obvious. Save some of your hair from the top front of your head, where the hair is lightest, to match your wig to.

Some women, after hearing they will lose their hair, rush out and buy an expensive natural hair wig. Many regret it because, in addition to being expensive, natural hair wigs require a lot of upkeep. Synthetic wigs are much easier to maintain, and look and feel natural. There are no more bad hair days. In fact, quite a few women continue to wear their wigs long after their hair has grown back, especially when they’re in a hurry and don’t have time to get to the hair dresser. You may be one of them.

Should you opt for only one wig, you can alternate wearing it with hats, turbans or scarves. We all know a little bit of hair can make a big difference and therefore Look Good Feel Better has recently added fringes to be worn under these head accessories to their merchandise available at workshops. They create the illusion of a full head of hair under a hat or turban and have proven to be popular. Scarves are a good investment, too, because they can be used in so many ways after your hair grows back. For those whose treatment will be ongoing, scarves will continue to be very helpful.

Scratchy hats will not work for someone with hair loss, so look for soft cotton linings and find hats with adjustable size features. A deeper cut and a snug fit will prevent embarrassing gaping at the sides. while a headband worn under a hat will secure the fit. Always select a hat that works with your face and body type.

Remember not to wear your hat perched on the top of your head as though you’re having second thoughts about wearing it at all. Pull it down low on your forehead and wear it with conviction.

Wear something terrific on your hat. Find a fabulous brooch you haven’t worn for years or treat yourself to an inexpensive new pin. Great costume jewelry can often be found without spending a lot of time or money.

Speaking of jewellery, why not try a chunky chain necklace, large sunglasses or pair of hoop earrings to boost your body image and put a swing in your step?


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