The Helen Joseph Hospital Breast Care Clinic was transformed throughout Mandela month. It not only received bright new licks of paint, but a stunning mural was painted on the reception wall by Binita’s Art. The patients were treated to cupcakes from ASCO and goodie bags from breast cancer survivor Soso Thamae.

Together We Can – A mural artwork by Binita Snyman
Binita Snyman explains how her heart is shared through the mural she painted.
The artwork depicts two wooden figures – a male and female. A blue ribbon is wrapped around the male, creating the identifiable breast cancer ribbon as the blue fades into pink. The pink ribbon then wraps around the woman. Their figures are strong, upright and in fighting positions.
From an artist’s point of view, nothing is a coincidence; every part of this artwork was carefully considered and planned.
I made the wooden figurines without recognisable features; this almost forces you to give them an identity. Their faces could be that of your mother or sister who is fighting breast cancer, but it acts as an invitation to place yourself in the shoes of a breast cancer fighter.
A male figure was included to highlight that breast cancer does not discriminate sex. Men can and do get breast cancer too.
The body language of the figures show that they are victorious. It is as if the man is looking down upon cancer, telling it that he is greater than it and that cancer cannot break him. The lady also holds a position of strength, but her femininity has been exaggerated. I want to remind women that breast cancer and mastectomies cannot take away their womanhood! Their womanhood will always lie within them.
The breast cancer ribbon wraps around the figures and drapes around their shoulders as if it were a sash proclaiming Super Survivor. We honour our fighters and declare that they are Super Survivors.
As a whole, this mural talks of hope. The background is green, a colour that represents prosperity and a bright future. The mural talks about love and togetherness, because together we can overcome.
It has truly been a privilege to immerse myself in this mural – physically with paint, but also to become one with the reality of breast cancer. My heart is that our mural will touch the hearts of every patient and family member that enters through the doors of Helen Joseph Hospital Breast Care Clinic. May it bless them and encourage them to fight! And may it act as a reminder for all of us that